westernunionmanagementpart@yahoo.com - David General

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westernunionmanagementpart@yahoo.com - David General

Post: # 1759Post LegalBriefs »

Attention dear Esteemed client;,

This is MR David General from western union Head office here in TOgo Du Republic. We presently send your first payment of $5000 instantly from our head office, so now you are reaquested to contact us now with your full information where you want your first payment to be transfer to you without any further Daley,total amonut 3.6m to be transfer to you destination address,

(1)Your fullname,
(2)Your country,
(3)Your city,
(4) Your Occup,
(5) Your phone number,

And also send us an email: call us at +228 93509739 so we can do the normal procedure on your first $5000 payment which is activating the file to enable you pick up your money at any western union office around you. Thanks and call me now for the processing.

Email( westernunionmanagementpart@yahoo.com)
Best Regards

MR.David General

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Date: Mon, 18 Feb 2019 07:42:47 +0000 (UTC)
From: "MR.David General" <wunion51@yahoo.com>
Reply-To: "MR.David General" <westernunionmanagementpart@yahoo.com>
Subject: Attention dear Esteemed client;,

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Posts: 36510
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Re: westernunionmanagementpart@yahoo.com - David General

Post: # 1879Post LegalBriefs »

Attention dear Esteemed client;,

This is MR David General from western union Head office here in TOgo Du Republic. We presently send your first payment of $5000 instantly from our head office, so now you are reaquested to contact us now with your full information where you want your first payment to be transfer to you without any further Daley,total amonut 3.6m to be transfer to you destination address,

(1)Your fullname,
(2)Your country,
(3)Your city,
(4) Your Occup,
(5) Your phone number,

And also send us an email: call us at +228 93509739 so we can do the normal procedure on your first $5000 payment which is activating the file to enable you pick up your money at any western union office around you. Thanks and call me now for the processing.

Email( westernunionmanagementpart@yahoo.com)
Best Regards

MR.David General

Code: Select all

Date: Fri, 22 Feb 2019 08:18:22 +0000 (UTC)
From: "MR.David General" <wunion51@yahoo.com>
Reply-To: "MR.David General" <westernunionmanagementpart@yahoo.com>
Subject: Attention dear Esteemed client;,

User avatar
Posts: 36510
Joined: Mon Nov 26, 2018 9:14 am

Re: westernunionmanagementpart@yahoo.com - David General

Post: # 2177Post LegalBriefs »

Attention dear Esteemed;,

This is MR David General from western union Head office here in TOgo Du Republic. We presently send your first payment of $5000 instantly from our head office, so now you are reaquested to contact us now with your full information where you want your first payment to be transfer to you without any further Daley,total amonut 3.6m to be transfer to you destination address,

(1)Your fullname,
(2)Your country,
(3)Your city,
(4) Your Occup,
(5) Your phone number,

And also send us an email: call us at +228 93509739 so we can do the normal procedure on your first $5000 payment which is activating the file to enable you pick up your money at any western union office around you. Thanks and call me now for the processing.

Email( westernunionmanagementpart@yahoo.com)
Best Regards

MR.David General

Code: Select all

Date: Fri, 8 Mar 2019 13:52:36 +0000 (UTC)
From: "MR.David General" <akakpoakakpo57@yahoo.com>
Reply-To: "MR.David General" <westernunionmanagementpart@yahoo.com>
Subject: Attention dear Esteemed;,

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