- Ahmed Idris

Been contacted about a huge inheritance or compentation? It's 419 or advance fee fraud.
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Joined: Mon Nov 26, 2018 9:14 am - Ahmed Idris

Post: # 1751Post LegalBriefs »

Dear beneficiary,

It is necessary at this point to contact you personally, as a help to bring final solution to you, in view of your overdue pending fund, which is still floating in the Database as an unpaid debt which the government owes and it’s obliged to pay. Also, it is an indisputable fact that government bureaucratic bottlenecks in our banking system are the major obstacle to achieving your goal.

I have carefully thought over this matter and decided to contact you personally, in my capacity as the Chairman of decision making, in the finance and accounting area, to assist you maneuver bureaucratic bottlenecks and the strict financial regulation on money transfer and repatriation policy.

I will carefully maneuver your payment out of this country, to Europe where the system is simpler, reliable and stress- free. Our European Fund Managers, who are in charge of payments in Europe, will take you direct to the bank where we have escrow account, to authorize the release of your money from the escrow. This is the fastest, most secured way.

You ought to track your time. Pay attention to how much time you are spending doing one transaction. Look for ways to cut down on time you think is being wasted on unworkable and frustrating procedures.

Alternatively, I will assist you deliver your funds to you in cash, using diplomatic means. I will make arrangement with experience diplomatic agent, who has powerful secret International contacts, to move any luggage no matter the contents, through highly confidential diplomatic routes, to some parts of Asia, Europe, South America and even the United States.

Many expatriates in Africa are using this technique to take their money home, in order to maneuver strict financial regulation on money transfer and repatriation policy in Africa. The money will be carefully concealed in diplomatic pouches, as Family Precious Secret Treasure Box and Sensitive Film Materials for security reasons, before handing it over to the agent to bring to you. If you accept this method then I have to start discussion with the agent to see if he can possibly enter your country with the luggage.

After successful delivery and hand over of the consignment to you, I will carefully certify your payment as “CLEARED” through normal transaction and then record it in the outgoing scheduled for payment under the recently passed appropriation bill. I will also tidy up the necessary loop holes to ensure effective clearance and then return a “cleared entry” for your payment.

Please be informed that this is a private arrangement, which I want to use my privileged position assist you maneuver government bureaucracy, and all that. And for me to achieve this, we must agree to cooperate and work together.

Expecting to hear from you at your earliest convenience

Yours sincerely

Ahmed Idris

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From: Idris Ahmed <>
Date: Sat, 16 Feb 2019 03:12:12 -0800
Bcc: [Redacted]

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