- Brian T. Moynihan

Been contacted about a huge inheritance or compentation? It's 419 or advance fee fraud.
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Joined: Mon Nov 26, 2018 9:14 am - Brian T. Moynihan

Post: # 1738Post LegalBriefs »

Bank of America Corporate Office Headquarters
100 N.Tryon St Charlotte,NC 28255
Our Ref:BOA/IRU/SFE/15.5/WD/011
United States of America
Monday-Friday 8 a.m.-9 p.m. Eastern Daylight Time(EDT)
Saturday and Sunday 8 a.m.-4 p.m. Eastern Daylight Time(EDT)
Contact Email;

Attention: beneficiary

I was alerted by the foreign remittance department of Bank of
America, but I want you to read this carefully. MR.Edward Kämmerer,
came to my office that you are dying of Cancer and you have
instructed him to come for the claim of your funds in the tune of
US$10.5Million which we have forwarded to First national Bank Plc,
to see that you receive your fund. Really, At this development I asked
him who authorized him to come down to collect this Payment and he
told me you are the person that authorized him.This Man actually
claimed this beyond reasonable doubts. Infect this was one of the
biggest shock that this bank have ever received so far because your
Inheritance fund how being forwarded to First National Bank plc,to see
that you receive your fund without any delayed. yet you sent him to
come and collect this Funds on your behalf without notifying us. We do
not understand why you sent this Man to come and collect your Funds on
your behalf. If actually you want hIM to help you Claim your
Inheritance Bill Sum, at least you should have informed me as the
Executive director of this bank. he actually tendered some Vital
documents which Proved that you actually sent him. I will be waiting
to hear from your update if you are the person that sent him.

Here is an account provide by Mr.Edward Kämmerer, He also claims you
provided this account to him for his personal use. Please confirm.

Chase Bank
2075 S. Victoria Ave
Ventura, CA 93003
800 788-7000
Acct. name: Mr.Edward Kämmerer,
Type: Checking
ABA # 322271627
Acct # 1951204345
Amount: US$8.9 Million.

Furthermore, If this claim by Mr.Mr.Edward is a hoax and all lies, I
will urge you to keep this strictly confidential so we could find a
way to get him arrested.

Reply to Officially Sealed.

Yours faithfully,

Brian T. Moynihan (CEO)
Bank of America®
Corporate Office Headquarters,Charlotte,N.C.
© 2016 Bank of America Corporation. All rights
reserved. AR72768/DD6A66.
Contact Email;

Code: Select all

From: " Brian T. Moynihan (CEO)" <>
Date: Fri, 15 Feb 2019 23:53:28 +0700
Subject: Attention:Beneficiary
To: undisclosed-recipients:;
Bcc: [Redacted]

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