Welcome to Bank of America, the nation's leading financial institution and home for all of your personal financial needs.Bank of America (BofA), one of the largest banks in the United States with a major role in the financial Crisis in united state and world at large.
We got Alert from the Federal Government of Benin to credit your account with
$8.7Million from Benin reserve account in Bank of America.In our view research
we contacted IMF and US Homeland Security about the issue, they conform it
legal in your name,But $65 is required from you for the (IMFCCF) in Benin and
you are given 48hrs to make the payment direct to American Embassy in Benin
with BELOW.After $65 no more fee again:
Country: Benin Republic
City: Portonovo
Amount: $65
Question: info
Answer: info
Thanks for banking with Bank of America
Regard Mr. John Richard.
Code: Select all
Reply-To: mr_john_andrianarisata49@yahoo.com
From: BANKOFAMERCA <info91242@gmail.com>
Date: Thu, 14 Feb 2019 13:56:01 -0800
Subject: Thanks for banking with Bank of America
To: undisclosed-recipients:;
Bcc: [Redacted]