Estimate Customer.
You have been awarded $3.700, 000.00 through money gram Money Transfer for compensation to retain the good image of this country.
Send your receiving information at you have to be receiving a maximum of $6000 USD each day until the whole of $3.7M USD has benn transfer completed. Contact the money gram office immediately and also send your receivers information to start receiving your payment such as,
Your Full Name:.........................
Your Home Address:......................
Your Country/ City: ....................
Your Age:...............................
Your Sex:...............................
Your Direct Phone Number:...............
Your ID copy:...........................
Thank you so much for your understanding, we need your urgent reply so fast so that we can proceed for this transfer, and you will be able to receive your fund today.
Director, Mr.Paul Frank.
(+1 805.900.7820)
Yours sincerely,
Mr.Paul Frank
Code: Select all
Date: Fri, 8 Feb 2019 12:28:14 +0900 (JST)
Reply-To: PAUL FRANK <>
Subject: Estimate Customer.
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