Attn please,
We wish to notify you on our findings regarding your unpaid funds, A lot of clarification has been going on for more than 4 years towards your unpaid contract/inheritance fund due to impostors and double claiming of your fund of $5.2musd.((Five million two hundred thousand United states dollars)).
You have been confirmed dead by your bank and attorney to us and they have forwarded a new beneficiary to us to claim your fund, It was as a result of it that prompted our urgent communication to you in order to ascertain if there report was the truth or lies.If you are alive,Kindly indicate it by replying this email, But if you are adamant,It implies that their claim was right.
If you are not dead,Kindly forward the following information below:
1). New bank name with account coordinates to receive your fund.
2). Current personal mobile number with full names and address.
This is to be sent by email to the administrator of the African reconciliation of foreign payments to confirm your payments immediately.
Contact the administrator immediately with the details above for the re-registration of your origin of fund certificate and release of your compensation fund to your account from the Federal Reserve bank of America:
Name: Fredrick Ayomide
Your urgent response is highly needed to confirm the next step to follow.
NTERPOL Secretary General Jürgen Stock
National Central Bureau (NCB) for the United States
Code: Select all
From: "National Central Bureau (NCB) for the United States" <>
Date: Thu, 7 Feb 2019 23:48:29 +0100
Subject: Confirm if its the truth.
Bcc: [Redacted]