- Diana Clerk

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Posts: 36271
Joined: Mon Nov 26, 2018 9:14 am - Diana Clerk

Post: # 141Post LegalBriefs »

The Coca-Cola Company
Promotional award 2018,
Atlanta, Georgia, United States.

Dear Beneficiary,

Congratulations once again, you are one of the 15 lucky beneficiaries of the Coca-Cola company promotional award, 2018.

This email correspondence is a worldwide selection of only 15 lucky individuals made through our Electronic and Online Random Selection Draws (EAORSD), which you are one of the lucky beneficiaries who will be receiving the Sum of (One Million United States Dollars) $1,000,000.00 USD, as your promotion/compensation benefit.

The COCA COLA COMPANY have agreed in their 2018 promotion to compensate each lucky individual with the sum of $1,000,000.00 USD each. Meanwhile, here is your Serial number:[CN0074118ERD], which you have to forward to the regional coordinator for clarification and onward process for the release of your fund.

NOTE: Upon receiving this email correspondent, you must forward this your Serial number; CN0074118ERD, to the Coca-Cola promotional coordinator for the clarification of your file and for her to guide you on how to receive your fund as soon as possible. Bellow is the name and email address of the person to be contacted.

Name: Mrs. Diana Clerk

Be aware that you are to forward your Serial number as stated above, and the following information to your regional coordinator.
(1).Your full Name:................................. (2) Your country:.............................. (3) Your Age:............................ (4) Occupation:....................... (5) Sex:.......................... (6) Valid telephone number:.......................

Congratulation once again!!!!

Yours Faithfully,
Mr. Eric Chandler,
(Coca-Cola promotion relation officer)

Code: Select all

From: Coca-Cola Company <>
Date: Sun, 2 Dec 2018 12:00:15 +0100
Subject: Congratulations
To: undisclosed-recipients:;
Bcc: [Redacted]

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Posts: 36271
Joined: Mon Nov 26, 2018 9:14 am

Re: - Diana Clerk

Post: # 2016Post LegalBriefs »

The Coca-Cola Company
Promotional award 2019,
Atlanta, Georgia, United States.

Dear Beneficiary,

Congratulations once again, you are one of the 15 lucky beneficiaries of the Coca-Cola company promotional award, 2019.

This email correspondence is a worldwide selection of only 15 lucky individuals made through our Electronic and Online Random Selection Draws (EAORSD), which you are one of the lucky beneficiaries who will be receiving the Sum of (One Million United States Dollars) $1,000,000.00 USD, as your promotion/compensation benefit.

The Coca-Cola Company have agreed in their 2019 promotion to compensate each lucky individual with the sum of $1,000,000.00 USD each. Meanwhile, here is your Serial number:[CN0074118ERD], which you have to forward to the regional coordinator for clarification and onward process for the release of your fund.

NOTE: Upon receiving this email correspondent, you must forward this your Serial number; CN0074118ERD, to the Coca-Cola promotional coordinator for the clarification of your file and for her to guide you on how to receive your fund as soon as possible. Bellow is the name and email address of the person to be contacted.

Name: Mrs. Diana Clerk

Be aware that you are to forward your Serial number as stated above, and the following information to your regional coordinator.
(1).Your full Name:................................. (2) Your country:.............................. (3) Your Age:............................ (4) Occupation:....................... (5) Sex:.......................... (6) Valid telephone number:.......................

Congratulation once again!!!!

Yours Faithfully,
Mr. Eric Chandler,
(Coca-Cola promotion relation officer)

Code: Select all

From: Coca-Cola Company <>
Date: Thu, 28 Feb 2019 18:48:14 +0100
Subject: Congratulations
To: undisclosed-recipients:;
Bcc: [Redacted]

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