tedcruz.rep@gmail.com - Ted Cruz

Been contacted about a huge inheritance or compentation? It's 419 or advance fee fraud.
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tedcruz.rep@gmail.com - Ted Cruz

Post: # 1486Post LegalBriefs »

Attn: Beneficiary,

This is to inform you that your compensation payment in the amount of
US$1,800,000.00, (One Million Eight Hundred Thousand United State
Dollars) was legally approved and deposited few days ago with Bank
which the account holder is Ted Cruz, and it was deposited as your
compensation payment by the foreign debts settlement/compensation
committee of the Executive Directors Of ECOWAS, witnessed and
confirmed by Ted Cruz a United states representative, and u.s.
national security council. You are the sole beneficiary of
US$1,800,000.00 you will be paid by Ted Cruz through his bank.

Once again, this payment was collectively made out to you by foreign
debts settlement/compensation committee of the Executive Directors Of
EOCWAS. Ted Cruz would pay you either by bank wire transfer or Bank
Draft, depending on the option you would prefer to receive your funds
for security purpose, so you are therefore advised to quickly get back
to Ted Cruz to receive your funds, He is one of United States

Here is the manner to contact Ted Cruz for your payment.

Attention Ted Cruz,
As per an email i received from Dr. Alfred Braimah, Auditor-General
ECOWAS Regarding my compensation payment of US$1,800,000.00.
His Contact E-mail: tedcruz.rep@gmail.com

Reconfirm your information to Ted Cruz to avoid wrong payment.

Full Name....................
Home Address.................
Age .................
Valid Phone number............

Accept my congratulations in advance.

Kind Regards
Dr. Alfred Braimah
Auditor-General ECOWAS

Code: Select all

Reply-To: tedcruz.rep@gmail.com
From: Ted Cruz <dhlcompanyy1@gmail.com>
Date: Sun, 3 Feb 2019 13:58:49 +0000
Subject: Your Funds Transfer Update
To: undisclosed-recipients:;
Bcc: [Redacted]

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