My name is Steve A Crabbe, I am contacting you in regards to a deceased client Eng. Nick B.Kennedy who was a contractor with AngloGold Ashanti Ghana. On June 2014; Mr.Nick was involved in an auto accident in Odumasi close to Konongo on the Kumasi-Accra road, Before his death, Mr.Nick had 1,200kg of raw golds with a Security company here in Ghana, claims of this nature can only be made by a relative member. Unfortunately, he had no will at the time of death. All efforts made through some Private Investigators have revealed no link to any of his family member. I am under pressure to present the relative who will claim the Golds, and failure to do this would legally allow the company to report the golds to the Ghana Treasury as unclaimed. It is, therefore, my intention is to introduce you as the Causin of Mr. Nick to the company, If you are interested, get back to me for more details.
I hope to hear from you.
Steve A Crabbe.
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Subject: Hello...
Date: Sat, 1 Dec 2018 09:30:03 -0800