- Christy Walton

Been contacted about a huge inheritance or compentation? It's 419 or advance fee fraud.
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Joined: Mon Nov 26, 2018 9:14 am - Christy Walton

Post: # 1343Post LegalBriefs »

Dear Beloved Friend,

Greetings to you my dear beloved, I am writing you this e-mail not to disturb you but to ask for your assistant based on my personality and my present condition in life and in particular what I intend doing for CHARITY.

I am Mrs Christy Walton a great citizen of United State of America. I bring to you a proposal which I want you to assist me with, I am worth $38 Billion Dollars which rated me as the world Richest Woman 2018.But as the saying goes, money is not everything. It is painful now to let you know that I have been suffering from a Heart disease for the past 22 years and just few weeks ago my Doctor told me that I won't survive the illness. And my Will being with my Lawyer, of which my family is a where about, but nobody is a where of my 40% Bank Worth which is $9,000,000,000 (Nine Billion United State Dollars). I intend to use the $9,000,000,000.00 Dollars for CHARITY.

It will surprise you to know that I have not seen anybody from my family since my condition became critical as they should probably be of help in this issue.

Because I always had this dream for CHARITY and I have always promised myself that I will do this very big to CHARITY. I decided to view through the Internet for a trust worthy person that would be of help. Can I please trust you to help me give this amount of money to CHARITY because like my doctor has informed me of recent, I have just 2 Months left to live and probably die. As I write to you now, my eyes are filled with tears as I await my death.

Please reply me back with your below details to enable us proceed further and please do keep this confidential.

Do Provide Us With The Information Below

Your Full Names -------------
Your Home Address ----------------
Date of Birth ----------------------
Your Contact Phone or Mobile Number ------------------------
Occupation -------------------------
Marital Status ---------------------
Country ----------------
Your State ------------------

God Bless You.


Mrs. Christy Walton.

Here My Web Site?

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From: Christy Walton <>
Date: Mon, 28 Jan 2019 21:03:04 -0800
Subject: Dear Beloved Friend Welcome To 2019 I Have A Donation For You And God Bless You.
To: [Redacted]
Bcc: [Redacted]

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