dranthonymkpeayiine@gmail.com - Dr. Anthony Mkpe Ayine

Been contacted about a huge inheritance or compentation? It's 419 or advance fee fraud.
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dranthonymkpeayiine@gmail.com - Dr. Anthony Mkpe Ayine

Post: # 1203Post LegalBriefs »

Dr. Anthony Mkpe Ayine.
Auditor General of the Federation.
Federal Republic of Nigeria.

Attention Beneficiary

His Excellency, The President ordered for immediate Review and
Auditing of all foreign payments for the first quarter of this fiscal
year for immediate payment to the Beneficiaries.

Upon this Decision, the president inaugurated this office to
investigate and Audit all the dissolved tax forces on payment from all
banks in Nigeria and beyond Since other commercial banks lost its
credibility during the last regime. This office was mandated to pay
off any Beneficiary certified OK after the review of conciliation.

However, your payment file was brought to my office few days ego for
the first quarter auditing and after investing your payment file,I
discovered that you are one of the scam victims who was deceived into
claiming the funds you knew nothing about and along the line you lost
your own money.

I crave your understanding of the fact that the reason why you were
cheated was because no payment was genuinely accredited to you by any
financial organization here, you were making illegal claim and as a
result of that you lost so much money to those hoodlums who claimed to
be bank / Government officials while they are not.

This funds your names was attached to emanated through the funds of a
Deceased Contractor who execute contract for Federal Government of
Nigeria and for the fact that the original contractor of this fund is
dead, those unscrupulous elements invited you to claim this funds
without knowing the truth about the funds.

Note, I was supposed to council this payment after my
investigation,but for a reason which I shall let you know when I hear
from you. Be inform that nobody knows the out come of this
Investigation apart from you, I decided to keep it to myself and seek
your opinion on this matter first. Because I know that it wasn't your
fault, you were only being deceived by those unscrupulous
elements,some will even tell you that you will be receiving the funds
. please, stay away from them because it is all lies, no fund from
this country can never work in your country.

I concluded to write a favorable report on your behalf confirming your
claims to be genuine. With this satisfactory report I will make on
your payment file, A LEGAL CLEARANCE CERTIFICATE shall be obtained
from the Federal Ministry of Justice {F.M.J} in the name of your
company as a SISTER COMPANY to the original contractor who deposited
this funds

This piece of information you have at hand is the true position of
things here and if you are ready to work with me you must STOP further
correspondence with those unscrupulous elements here in Nigeria and
out side Nigeria, I WILL LEGALIZE YOUR CLAIM. Thereby making this
funds yours with my position.

If you wish to work with me call me on this number 234-803-699-1780
for verbal discussions on what exactly you need to do to receive this


Auditor Dr. Anthony Mkpe Ayine.
Auditor General of the Federation

Code: Select all

Reply-To: dranthonymkpeayiine@gmail.com
From: "Auditor Dr. Anthony Mkpe Ayine" <drjohnwilsonnig@gmail.com>
Date: Wed, 23 Jan 2019 06:14:54 +0100
Subject: This Is The Truth You Need To Know About Your Claims
To: undisclosed-recipients:;
Bcc: [Redacted]
Country Code: 234
Country Name: Nigeria
Type: Mobile
Original Provider: MTN Nigeria
Validity: The number is the correct length for a Nigerian mobile phone number.
More information at ScamNumbers.info

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