wallace.nelson55@aol.com - Wallace Nelson

Been contacted about a huge inheritance or compentation? It's 419 or advance fee fraud.
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wallace.nelson55@aol.com - Wallace Nelson

Post: # 1173Post LegalBriefs »

Attention: Sole Beneficiary,

How are you today? Please this email message is coming to you from
Police Command (INTERPOL) We, office of the international police
authority (IPA) hereby write to inform you that we caught a diplomatic
Agent by the name Mr. Wallace Nelson and Customs Agent Mr. MICHAEL
RUBEN at (Dallas Executive Airport) here in Texas with a consignment
box filled with United States Dollars.

We are contacting you today to inform you earlier that we discovered
your consignment box sum of $10 Million United States Dollars from
hands of arrested criminals trying to shift your fund to their helper
partner who will share the fund with them.

After the arrest we touch them and they confessed that the $10 Million
United States Dollars belongs to you but they wanted to shift it to
someone who can help them and keep it well in Federal Reserve Bank of
Californian they also said that they have contacted you several times
regarding the fund but you do not complied that's why they wanted to
achieve the fund within their self.

To avoid much delaying, the $10 Million United States Dollars are
safety in our treasure but we will like to hear from you before we
will proceed with the delivery to your doorstep,

The best you have to do now is to keep away from U.S Customer
Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport from now till you have your
Funds consignment box from us because there is lot of thing that is
happening in the world today Interpol Police Force, in partnership
with the Stars Initiative, is working towards the recovery and return
of stolen assets.

This project allows Interpol to actively engage national law
enforcement bodies in coordinated efforts to trace, seize, confiscate
and return public funds to victims. so feel free to contact me with
this phone number 239-4448-802

Meanwhile, You will pay the total amount of US$100 for issuance of
Police clearance report which is the hindrance for your non receive of
your fund and will be signed by Attorney General and Endorse by our
Embassy in Cotonou Benin.

The documents will back up the consignment box before the delivery
will take place, I am advising you to be fast in all your action to
avoid more problem so that we should delivering your consignment box
within 4 working hours

The delivery of the consignment box will be accompanied by our
delegate, Below is the Interpol Police accountant officer name in
Benin republic where you should send The $100 payment using Money Gram
Western Union or iTunes card gift.

Receiver Name......KATE UME
Sender's name................
Country.:Benin Republic

Lastly. We did this that way to avoid any story with your consignment
box because these gentle men here wanted to shift the funds and for
now they are under our care on which they must serve U.S government
Eight months in Jail.

Contact us with the payment of the $100 upon the receipt of this mail
if you wish to receive your fund and stop wasting your hard earn money
for Fraud. Thanks for your understanding and co-operation

Yours Truly,
AGENT. Mr. Wallace Nelson.
Newark Liberty International Airport RESIDENT AGENCY

Code: Select all

Reply-To: wallace.nelson55@aol.com
From: "Mr. Wallace Nelson" <mrsmaygeorge@gmail.com>
Date: Tue, 22 Jan 2019 00:26:03 -0800
To: undisclosed-recipients:;
Bcc: [Redacted]

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