dr.idika.benson.kalu2000067@gmail.com - Dr .Idika Benson

Been contacted about a huge inheritance or compentation? It's 419 or advance fee fraud.
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dr.idika.benson.kalu2000067@gmail.com - Dr .Idika Benson

Post: # 1164Post LegalBriefs »


I have registered your ATM CARD of US$2.8 with DHL Courier Company
with registration code of(Shipment Code awb 33xzs)please Contact with
your delivery information such as,Your Name, Your Address and Your
Telephone Number: Shipping company Office DHL,contact them immediately
for the direction on how you will receive the Card.
Name of Director: Dr .Idika Benson E-mail,{dr.idika.benson.kalu2000067@gmail.com)
Let me know once you receive your Atm card from
them,Remember the only money you will pay is their delivery fee.

Best Regards,

Mr.Agbanabu Ezu

Code: Select all

Date: Tue, 22 Jan 2019 20:04:06 +0900 (JST)
From: "BEST REGARD Mr.Agbanabu Ezu" <www.@cotton.ocn.ne.jp>
Reply-To: "BEST REGARD Mr.Agbanabu Ezu" <dr.idika.benson.kalu2000067@gmail.com>
Subject: Attention:Dear
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Orig IP: | Orig ISP: Globacom-as | City: Lagos | Country: Nigeria | More info: https://www.iptrackeronline.com?ip_addr ... 211.63.182

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Re: dr.idika.benson.kalu2000067@gmail.com - Dr .Idika Benson

Post: # 1291Post falconsfan1 »

From: "DR.IDIKA BENSON" <dr.idika.benson.kalu2000067@gmail.com>
Date: Fri, 25 Jan 2019 10:09:07 -0800
Message-ID: <CAL9kNSxedR1_Gvo1e8ZgzZ-kY9u4gytwB9gjsFL8PJk+t1FTPA@mail.gmail.com>
Subject: Re: Attention:Dear
To: <>
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Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"
Attn: ,How are you doing today? your information has been received and is well noted ,mean while you need to send a delivery fee of $100.00 only so that our delivery agent will get that to your home with out any delay and please you need to send the fee as urgent as you can to enable us start the process and try to send your phone number so that the delivery agent will use it contact you by sms when he get to your country , get back to me now so that i send you the information you will use to send the needed fee .

thank you
Mr.Agbanabu Ezu

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Date: Thu, 24 Jan 2019 09:43:02 +0900 (JST)
From: "Mr.Agbanabu Ezu" <www.@cotton.ocn.ne.jp>
Reply-To: "Mr.Agbanabu Ezu" <dr.idika.benson.kalu2000067@gmail.com>
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Subject: Attention:Dear
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I have registered your ATM CARD of US$2.8 with DHL Courier Company with registration code of(Shipment Code awb 33xzs)please Contact with
your delivery information such as,Your Name, Your Address and Your Telephone Number: Shipping company Office DHL,contact them immediately
for the direction on how you will receive the Card. Name of Director: Dr .Idika Benson E-mail,{dr.idika.benson.kalu2000067@gmail.com) Let me know once you receive your Atm card from them,Remember the only money you will pay is their delivery fee.

Best Regards,

Mr.Agbanabu Ezu
ISP Globacom Limited
Usage Type Unknown
Domain Name gloworld.com
Country Nigeria
City Kwale, Delta

Use BOTH Bing and Google to search emails so you won't get ripped off.

Never use Money Gram,Western Union,Ria to send a fee to strangers. Never buy an i-tunes card,Amazon card(s) to send to scammers.Never use bitcoin and send the wallet/address to scammers. If you do,it is gone for ever. If you must send the money (please don't), insist on Using direct bank transfer only. Send the money to a US,UK,Canada, or South Africa bank account only. You could get your money back by following the advice below..
If you send money to this scammer or to any scammer,please
In the US...
1.first... file a police report
2. second... file a complaint at www.ic3.gov and include the case number of the police report
in the UK...
1.first... file a police report
2. second... file a complaint at www.actionfraud.police.uk and include the case number of the police report

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