Konstantin Hodanov
Investor Relations Manager (SMART FINANCE SOLUTIONS, Federal Consulting Group) Project finance. Direct investments. Investor. BG/SBLC Sender Seller Monetizer. BTC BITCOIN, GOLD
Please text me:
+77783606685, WhatsApp
hodanov@proton.me - Konstantin Hodanov
- Hans Neesantoes
- Posts: 5649
- Joined: Sun Nov 25, 2018 5:26 pm
hodanov@proton.me - Konstantin Hodanov
Bank Instrument Scam from LinkedIn:
If you are reading this post because you have been contacted by this individual then you are100% being scammed - all my posts are thoroughly researched before being posted.
- Hans Neesantoes
- Posts: 5649
- Joined: Sun Nov 25, 2018 5:26 pm
Re: hodanov@proton.me - Konstantin Hodanov
Bank Instrument Scam from LinkedIn:
Konstantin Hodanov
Investor Relations Manager (SMART FINANCE SOLUTIONS, Federal Consulting Group) Project finance. Direct investments. Investor. BG/SBLC Sender Seller Monetizer. BTC BITCOIN, GOLD
Send me DOA
Direct mandate:
+77783606685, WhatsApp
If you are reading this post because you have been contacted by this individual then you are100% being scammed - all my posts are thoroughly researched before being posted.
- Posts: 3
- Joined: Tue Jun 11, 2024 9:20 am
Re: hodanov@proton.me - Konstantin Hodanov
Admin Note: This post was made by the dumb scammer himself in a pathetic attempt to avoid losing victims. We are leaving it here to show how far these disgusting creatures will go to steal from their victims.
On what basis do you compile these lists?
Who are you?
I have three official mandats with board resolutions.
You should be doing something grown-up, not gossiping.
On what basis do you compile these lists?
Who are you?
I have three official mandats with board resolutions.
You should be doing something grown-up, not gossiping.
- Bernard Albrecht
- Site Admin
- Posts: 114
- Joined: Sat Nov 24, 2018 12:07 pm
Re: hodanov@proton.me - Konstantin Hodanov
On the basis of knowing that complex financial transactions are not arranged by people using free email addresses and mobile phones, who spam dodgy groups on LinkedIn.
Your worst nightmare, bitch
I could do with a laugh, so why don't you go ahead and post them here to prove your legitimacyHodanov@proton.me wrote: ↑Tue Jun 11, 2024 9:36 am I have three official mandats with board resolutions.
- Hans Neesantoes
- Posts: 5649
- Joined: Sun Nov 25, 2018 5:26 pm
Re: hodanov@proton.me - Konstantin Hodanov
LOL, I think the word you're looking for is "mandates", you barely literate moron.
But, lets look at some of the other words you use and what the FBI has to say about them
Looks like the FBI also know exactly what you areThe FBI wrote:SCAM COMMONALTIES:
The term “monetize”
“red-flags of investment fraud” include:
Private Placement Program

Keep watching this topic, I look forward to posting more of your scammy offerings from LinkedIn
If you are reading this post because you have been contacted by this individual then you are100% being scammed - all my posts are thoroughly researched before being posted.
- Posts: 3
- Joined: Tue Jun 11, 2024 9:20 am
Re: hodanov@proton.me - Konstantin Hodanov
Wash your dirty mouth
- Bernard Albrecht
- Site Admin
- Posts: 114
- Joined: Sat Nov 24, 2018 12:07 pm
Re: hodanov@proton.me - Konstantin Hodanov
What's the matter, you pathetic little snowflake, do naughty words scare you? Go and take a time out in your safe space to get over your upset, you useless little maggot.
Still waiting for you to provide evidence of your "mandats", but I guess it takes time for you to get fake documents produced.
Still waiting for you to provide evidence of your "mandats", but I guess it takes time for you to get fake documents produced.
- Posts: 3
- Joined: Tue Jun 11, 2024 9:20 am
Re: hodanov@proton.me - Konstantin Hodanov
Who the hell are you to prove anything to me?
Would shit stop coming out of you if I showed you a document?
Or would you admit you're an asshole and apologize for throwing shit at people under a nickname?
I doubt it.
Live in your own shit.
Would shit stop coming out of you if I showed you a document?
Or would you admit you're an asshole and apologize for throwing shit at people under a nickname?
I doubt it.
Live in your own shit.
- Dr Sheldon Cooper
- Site Admin
- Posts: 435
- Joined: Sun Nov 25, 2018 12:22 pm
Re: hodanov@proton.me - Konstantin Hodanov
If you had provided evidence that you were legitimate and the post was a mistake, it would have been removed.
But, like dumb scammer you are, you can't provide that evidence, so you just have a little hissy fit and throw your toys out of the pram.
We're done wasting time on you now, bye loser.
Another email address used by this dumb scammer - hodanov.tomsk@gmail.com
But, like dumb scammer you are, you can't provide that evidence, so you just have a little hissy fit and throw your toys out of the pram.
We're done wasting time on you now, bye loser.
Another email address used by this dumb scammer - hodanov.tomsk@gmail.com
- Dr Sheldon Cooper
- Site Admin
- Posts: 435
- Joined: Sun Nov 25, 2018 12:22 pm
Re: hodanov.tomsk@gmail.com - Konstantin Hodanov
Here's a few more of dumb scammer "Konstantin Hodanov's" scams that he committed using his other email address hodanov.tomsk@gmail.com:
A loan scam from a dodgy looking Russian website (translated to English)
From LinkedIn, another one of you bank instrument scams
A loan scam from a dodgy looking Russian website (translated to English)
It seems you can't even decide on what your fake name is - is it Konstantin Hodanov or is it Konstantin Khodanov. I guess when you've got the IQ of a house brick it is difficult to remember to tie your shoes, let alone what fake details you are using for your scams.The rate is 2%!
We offer a loan for individual entrepreneurs/LLCs secured by liquid assets in Sochi.
Thank you.
Best regards, Konstantin Khodanov,
Investor Relations Manager.
SMART FINANCE SOLUTIONS, Federal Consulting Group
87783606685 , WhatsApp, Telegram @djituku

From LinkedIn, another one of you bank instrument scams
SBLC without prepayment
hashtag#Purchase 40+2%
If there is POF, no advances
Direct hashtag#mandat
1. Provider RWA fax/email
2. Reseiver SWIFT MT799 POF
3. Provider SWIFT MT799 PRE ADVICE
4. Reseiver SWIFT MT799 BPO
5. Provider SWIFT MT760 SBLC
6. Reseiver PAYMENT
+77783606685, WhatsApp
hashtag#swift hashtag#pof hashtag#payment hashtag#receiver hashtag#noupfront
hashtag#sblc hashtag#Sblcwithoutprepayment hashtag#sblcNoadvance hashtag#sblcprovider hashtag#sblcForSale hashtag#sblcSupplier hashtag#sblcSelling hashtag#sblcpurchase hashtag#bankinstrument hashtag#Monetization hashtag#import hashtag#export hashtag#bankingsolutions hashtag#bankinstruments hashtag#bankguarantee
hashtag#garantiabancaria hashtag#bankinstruments hashtag#commodity hashtag#commoditytrading
hashtag#commerceinternational hashtag#comercioexterior hashtag#commoditiestrading
hashtag#swift hashtag#financialinstruments hashtag#seasonedfinancialinstrument hashtag#cartadecredito hashtag#lc hashtag#dlc hashtag#sblc hashtag#trade hashtag#trading hashtag#tradefinance hashtag#mt700
hashtag#mt760 hashtag#leasedinstruments hashtag#seasonedinstrumentsinleasing hashtag#providerfirst hashtag#providermovesfirst
hashtag#MonetizationSBLC hashtag#MonetizerSBLC hashtag#MonetizeSBLC hashtag#ReceiverSBLC hashtag#import hashtag#export hashtag#bankingsolutions hashtag#bankinstruments hashtag#bankguarantee
hashtag#garantiabancaria hashtag#bankinstruments hashtag#commodity hashtag#commoditytrading
hashtag#commerceinternational hashtag#comercioexterior hashtag#commoditiestrading
hashtag#swift hashtag#financialinstruments hashtag#seasonedfinancialinstrument hashtag#cartadecredito hashtag#lc hashtag#dlc hashtag#sblc hashtag#trade hashtag#trading hashtag#tradefinance hashtag#mt700
hashtag#mt760 hashtag#leasedinstruments hashtag#seasonedinstrumentsinleasing hashtag#directprovider